Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011


A. Description
Submarine is a unique vehicle that can float and dive in the water. Generally, submarine is used for military purposes and interests. Additionally, submarine is also used for underwater’s observation and recreation. The first submarine is only enough for one person but now, it is able to load hundred of crew members.

B. The Inventor

   The inventor of the submarine is Cornelius van Drebbel in 1620. Initially, the submarine is Leonardo da Vinci’s sketch and William Bourne is the first person who designed the plan to build it.

C. How The Submarine Float    

   Inside the submarine, there is an air compressor that can compress the water. When the submarine float, all of submarine’s tanks are filled with air, so the overall density (ρ) of submarine is lighter than the overall density (ρ) of water and causing the submarine float.

D. How The Submarine Dive

    Then if the submarine want to dive, the air was expelled and replaced by water, so the overall density (ρ) of submarine is greater than overall density (ρ) of water.
E. The Kind of Submarine
    1. Based on the Power to Move

       a. Diesel submarine
Diesel submarine is a type of conventional submarine. Diesel engines are used to run the propeller so the submarine can move in the water.
       b. Nuclear submarine
Nuclear submarine use nuclear reactors, steam turbines and reduction gearing to run the propeller. Nuclear power provide a great benefit for the submarine. Nuclear generators do not require oxygen, so a nuclear submarine can stay in the water for a week.
       c. Submarine without engine
The type of submarine without engine is called bathyspher. Before bathysphere, it is known as the diving bell. It’s only used for recreation or observation.

    2. Based on it’s Function

        a. Military submarine
Military submarine is used for the purposes of war or patrol in a country. Normally, each military submarine is equipped with modern weapon such as cannons, torpedoes, cruise missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, and intercontinental ballistic missiles.
        b. Non-military submarine
Non-military submarine is used for many purposes exept military, for example: underwater research (Shinkai 6500 : Java trough) and tourism (Odyssey : Bali).

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